10 Days Of Giving Thanks: Day 9

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“When we think of the past it’s the beautiful things we pick out. We want to believe it was all like that.” Margaret Atwood

Day #9
I’m thankful for photographs and traditions.

I’m thankful that I can take photographs to help me remember my personal history. I’m grateful I don’t have to rely on just my memory to know what my kids looked like when they were little. I appreciate that photographs are often of happy times, and that looking back on them is filled with joyful nostalgia. I’m thankful I have photographs of trips I’ve taken, things I’ve done and important people in my life, so that I can reminisce. And I’m thankful when old photographs remind me of things I have otherwise long ago forgotten.

I’m thankful for family traditions as a way to connect my past with my future. I’m glad to see my kids take comfort and pride in repeating our rituals, from the mundane to the festive ones. I’m thankful that the traditions create stronger bonds and memories for our family. I appreciate knowing the traditions are important to my kids and that they want to keep them going.

Day #8 I’m thankful for the little things.
Day #7 I’m thankful for challenges.
Day #6 I’m thankful for people that forgive.
Day #5 I’m thankful for my home and my health.
Day #4 I’m thankful for those that give the benefit of the doubt.
Day #3 I’m thankful for the people who reach out.
Day #2 I’m thankful for curiosity and creativity.
Day #1 I’m thankful for the love of my family and friends.