10 Days Of Giving Thanks: Day 7

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“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” Viktor Frankl 

Day #7
I’m thankful for challenges.

Everyone has obstacles they must face. Some are big, some are small. Some everyone can see and agree they are hard, others might only in our head, but still hard to shoulder alone. I’m thankful when I’m reminded to use the difficulties as opportunities instead of thinking they are barriers. I’m grateful when I can see they are not really as overwhelming as I first thought they were. And I appreciate when I have support as I work through challenges.

Facing challenges make me stronger and teaches me. I’m grateful that dealing with them helps me appreciate the easy times. And I’m thankful my competitive nature makes me push through challenges, that I strive to be better, to try harder and not give up.

Day #6 I’m thankful for people that forgive.
Day #5 I’m thankful for my home and my health.
Day #4 I’m thankful for those that give the benefit of the doubt.
Day #3 I’m thankful for the people who reach out.
Day #2 I’m thankful for curiosity and creativity.
Day #1 I’m thankful for the love of my family and friends.