10 Days Of Giving Thanks: Day 5

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“But in truth, home isn’t necessarily where you sleep at night. It’s where you feel like yourself. Where you’re most comfortable. Where you don’t have to pretend, where you can just be you.”  Elizabeth Eulberg

Day #5
I’m thankful for my home and my health.

As an introvert who works from home, I’m thankful for the protective shelter of my house. My home is my refuge and my sanctuary. It shields me from the busy, stressful, chaotic world outside and it’s where I can be free from pretenses.

I’m thankful that I have pretty good health. You don’t fully appreciate your health until something happens so you don’t have it, like getting a foot injury that makes you hobble. I’m glad I’m strong and have enough energy to take the stairs, carry a sleeping 6-year-old to bed, or try something new, like ice skating, without worry of hurting myself. I’m thankful I can find those happy endorphins after a hard run. And I’m especially thankful to know that I’m healthy enough to wake up tomorrow to try it all again.

Day #4 I’m thankful for those that give the benefit of the doubt.
Day #3 I’m thankful for the people who reach out.
Day #2 I’m thankful for curiosity and creativity.
Day #1 I’m thankful for the love of my family and friends.