Timeline for Ordering Save The Dates, Albums and More

Appleby Photography wedding save the dates with engagement portraits
Holidays are lurking around the corner and the nice fall lull is coming to an end. Are you ready? Here are some helpful timelines to make sure you are:

Save The Dates:

Spring and Summer brides-You should be sending them about 6 months before the wedding, with 4-8 months being the range. Now is the time to be ordering your cards or magnets. Check out this post for more tips.

Christmas Cards:

Most people like to send cards within 1-2 weeks after Thanksgiving. You still have a small window of time to squeeze in an engagement or family session. Order your cards by the beginning of November to have enough time to address them.

Gift Portraits:

Photographs make great holiday gifts for parents and grandparents. Check off some names on your shopping list by ordering no later than the beginning of December.

Wedding Albums:

All albums are custom designed. Make sure to plan on it taking 8-12 weeks for the whole process. If you would like your album before Christmas, we need to start now. You can read more about the album process here.