It’s a Wisconsin CHEESE cake- 1st grade style!

“A party without cake is just a meeting,” are wise words from Julia Child.

Henry, my Wisconsin-born 7-year-old, has always been a connoisseur of cheese. When offered a regular Kraft “sharp” cheddar cheese from the grocery store, he declined it since it wasn’t aged at least 18 months. And right now, he says his favorite cheese is a 5-year smoked cheddar, followed by a fudge cheddar, which he says is “yummy.”

So I wasn’t surprised when he decided his first cake needed to look like cheese.

Henry made his very first cake for a Cub Scouts auction. Henry’s Cub Scouts pack uses this cake auction as a fundraiser, with the proceeds to be used within the pack. Each boy makes a cake for the event and then they are able to bid on each others’ cakes.

He discussed a few ideas, including using black frosting to make swiss-looking holes or writing around the edges, like a stamped cheese rind. In the end, we decided the cut wedge with some circle impressions looked best. Henry made a sign that read, “100% Wisconsin cheese” to put on top.

The vivid yellow frosting made us think of Green Bay Packers cheese head hats, which was totally a bonus for Henry.