Do You Love Me? Could You Count The Ways?

Valentine’s Day- the holiday everyone loves to hate. 

Why? Pressure.

It’s the one day out of an entire year that you feel like your love is being quantified. And no one likes to feel like they don’t measure up.

There is a certain level of expectation on Valentine’s Day. You feel like you are being judged. You feel like you are being watched and compared, to see how well, how much, you love someone. 

But also, in turn, how much you are loved.

Which brings me to the reason why people love Valentine’s Day. 

Everyone wants to feel like they are worthy of being loved. 
Everyone wants to feel special and appreciated. 

When you look at it that way, giving in to the hype of Valentine’s Day is actually a small gesture that you can do for your honey that has big impact. 

The whole rest of the year can get crazy-busy, and the romantic gestures can get forgotten when you are pressed to deal with schedules and to-do lists. This could be the one day that someone feeling a bit unappreciated is hoping that their significant other will slow down and remember all the tender, mushy reasons they love each other.

So, how do you show it? Easy:
(he/she/him/her used interchangeably)

Open her car door

Hand over the remote and let him choose the show – or better yet, turn off the TV

Write her a letter – Don’t know what to write? Try listing the reasons she makes you feel good or what you love about her. Mail it. Or hide it in a place she’ll find it.


Make him a scavenger hunt

Bake her dessert – even if it comes from a mix

Make him breakfast in bed – or if your schedules are different, have the coffee ready when he wakes up

Do a chore that is usually done by the other

Play a board game together

Have a movie night – at a theater or on the sofa

Cook dinner together


Play together- play pool or minigolf, go bowling or ice skating

Change your routine

Turn out the lights and spend the evening in firelight or candlelight

Say “I love you and I appreciate all that you do, even if I forget to tell you the rest of the year.”

See Keep The Romance Fires Burning post for more ideas.